Monday, April 26, 2010


Street harassment SUCKS. and I am so sick of it. Also, this blog is offering a sweet internship for the summer if anyone is living in NYC.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Here are two links to the various works of Andrea Dworkin.

This is a site with many of her speeches and interviews and this is her online library where you can read excerpts from her essays, books etc. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hello Feminists!

I am creating this blog so that we can:
a. keep track of what we discuss at meetings
b. alert one another of interesting feminist issues throughout the week
c. have open discussion about women's rights, gender, and all of the other wonderful things that we, as the Feminists@UVM, care about.

To begin, a little Eve Ensler :

go. watch. be inspired.